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Before & After Care

Covington Elementary School offers Before & After School Care each school day.  We pledge to make this program a much-needed convenience for our working parents as well as an educational, recreational, and socially enjoyable time for our student participants. This program will be offered to CES students only. We start the 2024-2025 program on Thursday, August 8, 2024. 

***Director must be contacted through email before students may attend before or after care.  

There is a registration fee of $20.00 and a form to complete.

For After Care availability, please contact Anna Jenkins by email at

Before School Care:  7:00am - 7:50am 

This program is offered from 7:00am until school begins at 7:50am. Children must be dropped off on Van Buren St. at door A107 behind the gym. The student will be walked in and signed in by a parent and/or guardian. We will have stations and activities for our students.

FEE Schedule for Before care                         

Full time: fee is $100.00 per child each month.

Part time: fee is $65.00 per child each month. (3 days a week.)

Drop-in: fee is $6.00 a day per child. (Due at drop-off.)

After School Care - 3:46pm - 6:00pm

After care is not provided after 6:00pm. If you are late 3 times, your child will no longer be allowed to attend our program. If you arrive after 6:00pm there is a late fee of $15.00 per interval of 1-15 mins. 16-30 mins. 31-45 mins. Students must be signed out by a parent and/or guardian. During this time students will be helped with homework and a snack will be provided. We will have a lot of fun activities and recess! Please have your ID available at pick-up. Where: At door A107 behind the gym on Van Buren Street.

After care phone # 985-373-4649

FEE Schedule for After care

Full time: fee is $160.00 per child each month.

Part time: fee is $110.00 per child each month. (3 days a week.)

Drop-in: fee is $12.00 a day per child. (Due at pick-up.)


2024-2025 Guidelines for Before and After Care

All tuition payments must be made on the 1st of each month using My Payments Plus only. Click on activities then before or after care when paying. Please email the director your receipt each month.

There will be a late fee of $10.00 if payment is made after the 10th of the month. If payment is not received by the 15th of the month, students cannot participate in the program for the remaining days of that month.

** Please note, if you have a past due balance from the previous school year, it will be due at registration along with this year's tuition and registration fees.


Discipline Policy

To ensure the safety of all children, every student is expected to follow the CES rules and regulations. All must adhere to these rules and regulations to continue to participate in the program. Students who consistently choose to act in an inappropriate manner at Before or After School Care will not be allowed to attend. Severe infractions or 3 write ups will warrant immediate removal from the program.

**There will be NO REFUNDS of Before or After care fees issued. **

We pledge to provide a safe and happy environment for your children before and after school each day!


Anna Jenkins
(985) 373-4649